Nanachan challenged the world of ultimate tight bonding by "binding" released in September of the previous work! With the blasphemy of Legendary Binshi Akira NAGA, I experienced the exaggeration in the world of rope for the first time beyond the suffering and pain of hell. This time, we will challenge the legendary “M Drug” that has exceeded its limits! Speaking of M-dra, the first place to show is a series of hard machios from the top suddenly! Nanachan originally had a reputation for Illamachio, but could you do injection gero and gull-peeling kiln? I couldn't imagine how Nana-chan, who became so crazy at Iramachio and becomes garnished with gero, was immediately starting to see a series of injection geros with tremendous momentum! The staff at the scene were frozen for a moment because of the greatness that made shio-min! But it was not over yet. Whether it's a hard llama with arms up or a cramped bocoy lama with an inverted toilet bowl, it looks like a waterfall. A rustic girl continues to commit crimes in the basement and is turned into a Zutaboro. The M-drug's royal road was revived by Nanachan Mae. M-Drag History: A Five-fingered Masterpiece Is Born! Make M Drafan Permanently Preserved!